
Teachers Training

Being a teacher does not mean that we know all and everything. A teacher never stops learning and this is an opportunity for AIT to provide its teacher’s with relevant training and to equip themselves; to ensure they are moving with the modern times. Our members whether experienced or inexperienced; AIT provide training in many aspects relating to teaching. We also partner with experienced individuals and agencies to provide training which is needed for teachers. The areas which we have been training our teachers are as follows:


What is a DBS?

DBS stands for ‘Disclosure Barring Service’,  it is a public body that allows employers to check an employee’s history in regards to any criminal convictions or other convictions or offences, and whether they are suitable and safe for a role. This is very important for employers to know as they can be unsuitable for some roles i.e. working with children or vulnerable adults. There are four levels of DBS checks. And they are:

  • Basic – shows unspent convictions & conditional cautions, and this can be carried out for any type of roles.
  • Standard – shows spent & unspent convictions & cautions, reprimands and final warnings.
  • Enhanced – it includes all from the standard checks plus checks from the local police and checks relevant to the role.
  • Enhanced with Barred Lists (DBS), PVA Check (DS) – includes all the above and whether the person is on a barred list for the role

The above is only to shed s0me light on the DBS, for further information please visit:

At AITUK, we aim to deliver seminars about DBS and other legal requirements which are directly linked to teaching. This is essential for all teachers to be aware and keep abreast with the updates at all times. 

Child Protection

As teachers we are entrusted with the safety of all children under our care. It is vital that we fully aware about the duties that are on all teachers. Child protection is the safe guarding of all children from the following:

  • Violence
  • Exploitation
  • Abuse
  • Neglect

As teachers we are in a privileged position and that comes with a lot of responsibilities. Not only do we refrain from harming but we also lookout for the above in any child. This includes responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse.

AIT UK train teachers to identify any signs of potential harm. As organisations and individuals we are responsible to ensure that children are in a safe environment and away from harms way. Training will be provided to teachers whereby they will be able to understand the depth of ‘Child Protection’ as a concept and how this translates in real life.


Living in the modern age means we are engaged in the media in some form and this requires teachers to be aware of the role media plays in our lives. Teachers must be on the same level as their students, and to ensure that is the case, AITUK will provide relevant training to all teachers so that they are up-to-date and moving with the times. 

Imam Training

AITUK provide regular training to Imams and teachers with up-to-date information and regulations governing their working environment. It is also a chance for the Imams and teachers to seek guidance on any specific areas which may not be on the list of topics discussed or it may be a matter which is isolated to one particular area.

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